Wha' happen?


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Check above menu or sidebar for all released stories.




Sokoni1  grant round ..(11-Nov-2011)


Meet Poverty



Meet Poverty ..(13-Oct-2011):




The Llama Show

45,804 Kilometers, 493 days (17 months), 7 countries, 1 continent…

The Llama Show




Pachamama ..(21-Jun-2011)





Galapagos ..(15-Jun-2011)


Touching the Stars


.. Touching the Stars ..(17-May-2011)




Ever wonder why?




Story of the decade ;):

Reaching Higher Peaks

>>> 23-Feb-2010, celebrating 4 year anniversary <<<



Into the Wild:

Comments on: "Home" (21)

  1. Zeinab Cherry said:

    très interessant, photos magnifiques…bravo
    mais je n’ai pas deviné pourquoi tu as choisi ce titre

    • Merci!
      J’ai un FAQ (Questions Posees Frequemment) dans la section “About” en haut a droite ou j’explique l’origine du nom de mon aventure. Si vous avez aimez ces photos, attendez de voir ceux qui s’en viennent 🙂

  2. Eric Dion said:

    Het Sami. Merci de rassembler tous les écrits et surtout les photos sur un site, ma foi fort convivial.Il faudra absolument éditer un livre avec des pages en papier glacé. Au diable le coût, cela vaudra la peine.
    On s’ennuie de toi.
    Ciao beau-frère !

  3. You did it. Nice work and I wish you all the best.

  4. Hey Sami! You are our CHE 🙂
    We are so proud of you, keep the good work improving the site, like adding a Home tab…
    Stay safe and keep the passion alive!!

  5. Louay Cherri said:

    Hey Sami,

    Great job in putting it together, I am enjoying every part of it.
    You are doing what me and my friends dreamed about for years.
    Ride up!

  6. Kelly de la Flor said:

    Sami, it was great having you in Peru! Hope you come back soon for more adventures 🙂
    Peru loves you… and my family too!!

  7. Edouard said:

    Hey Sami,

    It is nice to read your travel experiences. Not everyone has the courage to follow their dreams the way you did. It is refreshing to read your adventures and new encounters.
    It makes us feel as if we’re joining you in your travels. Keep updating us on your exploits.


  8. Hola amigo,
    I´m glad to see it on the air, Good luck with your new site!

  9. Richard said:

    You are the man!!!

    ‘The tales of a true traveller are contained within these pages!’

    Mi Casa Tu Casa, mi hermano!


  10. François said:

    You made it Sami… Congrats!
    Ben content que tu aies réalisé ton projet. Quelle expérience avec ta Suzuki.
    Je garde d’excellents souvenirs de notre brève rencontre avec les deux argentines (entre autres) à Chachapoyas et ses alentours.
    J’ai la conviction qu’étant tous les deux routards et mordus de L’Amérique latine, que nos chemins se recroiseront quelque part…
    C’est de Santa Marta, Colombie que je te salue…
    Chao amigo viajero!

  11. Omar said:

    Great job Sami.
    It’s always good to follow ur dreams.
    Good luck and all the best.

  12. Ziad Nader said:

    Sami, great website and memorable adventure.
    Hope to see you soon.

  13. Yallah, de nouveau sur la route… dire qu’on pensait te voir durant le temps des fêtes… humm.. Good luck,
    bisous de Yasmina xxx

  14. gustavo saez said:


  15. Muafaq said:

    Hey Sam, Merry X-mas and a happy New Year!

  16. Raed Cherri said:

    merry christmas from the cherri family in lebanon & hoping you are having a fabulous time.
    mohammad cherri , senzana cherri , raed cherri , suha ladki cherri , jad cherri , rami cherri , amtou fatmeh , amu haidar , amtou siham siham & amu attalh & the whole family from lebanon.

    • Raed, comment ca va cousin? Thanks for the warm wishes and I wish you and all our family the best for the New Year… and hope to see you in 2011!

  17. laura said:

    ciao Sami!
    Love all the pictures and stories. Make sure you enjoy fully every day! My head is full of memories from my trips made this year…and I was away only about 6 weeks! I can’t imagine how full the memory chip in your head must be 🙂

    Have a great NYE, remember to start slow because people over there sure know how to party until late!

    Hope to see you in 2011

  18. Alisson said:

    Sami, que felicidad poder vivir contigo todo tu viaje a traves de estas magnificas historias que detallan cada aventura que has vivido. Es increible pensar que conoces mas de mi propia cultura que yo!

    I am so glad that you started off your trip in my country Ecuador, which is now your thrid country.

    I guess it is true what they say…dreams do come true (I know corny, but hey it’s new year’s day )

    Just come back to Quito safe and sound…you still have some travelling to do in Ecuador.

    No vemos pronto, un beso

  19. Ramsey said:

    amazing stories (I did not read them all, but skimmed through some interesting ones…) and amazing adventure. It takes lot of courage, character and passion BRAVO! Keep carrying our flags.

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